Sunday 26 June 2016

The Heart and Blood Vessels

The movement of blood in the body is made possible with the aid of the heart and blood vessels. The heart is responsible for the pumping of blood around the body and the blood circulates through the blood vessels.


[Photo credit: Kelvin Song]

Saturday 25 June 2016

Circulatory System in Mammals

Circulatory system refers to the organs and tissues involved in the continuous movement of blood round the body. It involves the heart and the blood vessels - veins, arteries and capillaries.

[Photo credit: Mariana Ruiz Villareal]

Types of Circulatory Systems

Friday 24 June 2016

Transport System in Man

Materials are efficiently distributed in mammals, especially man is provided by the transport system. The blood and lymph are the means of transport in man.


Components of the Blood

[Photo credit: Messer Woland]

Transport Systems

Transport systems refer to the systems of organs and tissues involved in the movement of materials, from where they are produced to where they are needed  within various parts of an organism. This transport occurs in plants and animals.

[Photo credit: Foobar]

Importance of Transportation

Monday 20 June 2016

Respiratory System in Unicellular Organisms, Insects, Fish, Tadpole and Toad


[Photo credit: Dr.Tsukii Yuuji]

Unicellular organisms have no special respiratory organs, as well as aquatic animals such as Amoeba and Paramecium. Oxygen that dissolves in water diffuses into the body while carbon dioxide goes out of the body through the

Sunday 19 June 2016

RESPIRATION: Meaning, Stages, Conditions Required, Characteristics

Respiration can be defined as biochemical activity of the cell, in which glucose is broken down by a series of reactions, controlled by enzymes, to release energy.

[Photo credit: Regis Frey]

Reproductive System in Flowering Plants

The flower is known as the reproductive structure of flowering plants. It consists of the male sex organ and female sex organ which makes it possible for them to reproduce sexual. Seeds, which are capable of germinating into new plants are produced, often as a result of the fertilization that occurs internally.


[Photo credit: Amada]

Friday 17 June 2016

Reproductive System in Reptiles, Fish and Birds


The reproductive system in Agama lizard is as follows.

[Photo credit: Sajjad Fazel]

The male Agama lizard possess two testes. The testes are located in the abdomen. One testis is found at the right side and the other at the left side.

Reproductive System in Mammals

Mammals generally reproduce sexually. They are generally unisexual. Reproduction in mammals is usually viviparous - their offspring are born alive, and not eggs that need to be hatched. Reproductive system in mammals is majorly divided into two - male reproductive system and female reproductive system.

[photo credit: Zephyris]


Tuesday 14 June 2016

Pollination in Plants

Pollination can be defined as the process by which mature pollen grains are transferred from the anthers of one flower, to the stigma of the same or another flower, hence making fertilization occur. It is a required process in reproduction in plants.

[Picture credit: Brocken Inaglory]

Types of Pollination

Monday 13 June 2016

Courtship Behavior In Animals

Courtship behavior of an animal is the collection of instinctive behavior the animal exhibits, in response to some external stimuli. It precedes mating and reproduction. It is carried out by male and female animals, and usually carried out in sequence. One step leads to another.

[photo credit:  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service]

Significance of Courtship Behavior in Animals

EVOLUTION: Explanation, Evidences, Theories, Modren Theory, Trends


Evolution, also known as organic evolution, can be defined as the total adaptive changes in the inheritable genetic make-up of organisms, which results in the diversity of functions, forms and structures among the organisms. It usually takes a long period of time.

[Photo credit: Волков Владислав Петрович.]

Sunday 12 June 2016

MENDEL'S WORK IN GENETICS: His Experiments, His Reasons, His Laws

Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) is often regarded as the father of genetics.This is because his work formed the foundation for scientific study of heredity and

Saturday 11 June 2016

GENETICS: Biology of Heredity

Genetics can be defined as the scientific study of inheritance or heredity and variations in living things (plants and animals).

Heredity: This can be defined as the transfer of traits(characters) in organisms, from parents to offspring. Living things (plants and animals) offspring usually