Wednesday 14 September 2016

Diseases of the Kidneys, their Effects and Remedies


1. Diuresis: This is a condition in which the cells of the kidney tubules are not reabsorbing water from the glomerular filtrate, and as a result, a large amount of water is  passed out in urine. Diuresis can also occur from a patient, suffering from diabetes insipidus - a condition in which the production of ADH (Anti-Diuretic Hormone) becomes reduced. Less water is reabsorbed and the patient produces a lot of urine - about 5-20 litres a day.

Effects of Diuresis

  1. It leads to excretion of large amount of urine.
  2. It leads to weight loss.
  3. There is high thirst for a lot of water.
  4. It also leads to emaciation.
Remedy of Diuresis
  1. Surgical operation should be performed on the patient.
  2. Drugs, such as diuretics, should be administered to get rid of excess water from the body.

2. Nephritis;
This is a condition in which the blood vessels in Bowman's capsule (glomerular) becomes inflamed and porous as a result of which they cannot carry out the function of ultra-filtration completely. This will result in the passage of most of the useful materials in the body fluid with urine. Nephritis can also be caused by bacteria infection.

Effects of Nephritis
  1. Inflammation of the kidney.
  2. Presence of amino acid in urine.
  3. Weakness of the body.
  4. Fever.
  5. Pains.
Remedy of Nephritis
  1. Use of dialysis: An artificial kidney can be adopted to take over the work of normal kidney.
  2. Kidney transplant: The affected kidney can be replaced with a healthy one.
  3. Use of antibiotics: Antibiotics can be use especially if the disease is caused by bacteria.

3. Kidney Stones:
This is caused by some diseased growths within the tubules. These diseased growths may narrow urine passage, thus reducing free flow of urine. In most cases, the diseased growths may block the urine passages making the removal of urine extremely difficult.

Effects of Kidney Stones
  1. It obstructs the passage of urine.
  2. Pain is experienced on passing out urine.
  3. Severe abdominal pain is experienced.
  4. It leads to high blood pressure, fever, chills, blood in urine.
Remedy of Kidney Stones
  1. Surgery called nephroctomy can be performed. This involves the opening up of the kidney to remove the stones.
  2. Patient should avoid excessive intake of calcium.
  3. A lot of water should be taken.
  4. There should be reduction in protein intake.

4. Dropsy or Oedema: Dropsy is a condition in which the cells of Bowman's capsules are unable to absorb water from the blood in the tubules. As a result, a lot of water is retained in the blood or tissue. This leads to the swelling of some parts of the body such as the face and ankles.

Effects of Dropsy
  1. It leads to swelling in faces and ankles.
  2. It causes sluggishness.
  3. It leads to abdominal pains.
  4. There is constant weakness or fatigue.
Remedy of Dropsy
  1. There should be reduction in the intake of water.
  2. Kidney transplant can be performed if the condition is critical.