Thursday 22 September 2016

Diseases of the Liver, their Effects and Remedies

Certain diseases can impair the functioning of the liver

They include:

1. Diabetes mellitus: This disease is caused as a result of the inability of the liver cells to convert excess glucose in the blood to glycogen. This is as a result of the failure of the pancreas to produce a hormone called insulin. Consequently, excess sugar is left in the blood and lost through urine.

Effects of Diabetes Mellitus

  1. It results in continuous dehydration.
  2. It may cause exhaustion or muscular weakness.
  3. It may lead to blurred vision.
  4. It also leads to loss of weight.
Remedy of Diabetes Mellitus
  1. Drugs like Diabinese should be used.
  2. Carbohydrate-rich food must be avoided.
  3. There must be regular doses of insulin injection intravenously throughout life.

2. Gall stones: Gall stones are stony masses or hard objects which are formed in the bile duct and block the passage of the bile. Their formation is is due to chemical changes in the composition of bile that lead to precipitation and stone formation. Hence, gall stones are due to the production of abnormal bile by the liver. 

Effects of Gall Stones
  1. Gall stones lead to yellowing of the skin and eyes.
  2. They result in inability to digest fats and oil properly.
  3. They cause general weakness of the body.
Remedy of Gall Stones
  1. Drugs must be effectively administered.
  2. The stones may be dissolved by oral feeding on a bile acid.
  3. Surgical operation can be performed to remove the stones.

3. Hepatitis: This is the inflammation of the liver which may be due to viral infection or toxic substances like poisons and drugs. As a result of this, the liver is unable to store or reconvert already stored glycogen into glucose.

Effects of Hepatitis
  1. It leads to loss of appetite.
  2. It causes severe headache and nausea.
  3. It may lead to yellow colouring of the eye and urine.
  4. It results in general weakness of the body.
Remedy of Hepatitis
  1. Drugs must be administered.
  2. Patient should be placed on special diet.
  3. After treatment, alcoholic drinks must be avoided.

4. Cirrhosis: This is a serious liver disease in which the damaged liver cells become replaced by dead and useless fibroid tissues. As a result of this, the liver feels very firm and irregular. Cirrhosis may be caused by excessive drinking of alcohol over a long period of time or by hepatitis. However, in most cases, the cause is unkown.

Effects of Cirrhosis
  1. It leads to loss of appetite.
  2. It can lead to death.
  3. It results to general weakness of the body.
Remedy of Cirrhosis
  1. Patient should avoid alcoholic drinks.
  2. Surgery may be done on the patient.
  3. Liver transplant may be carried out.

5. Cancer of the Liver: This is a distorted form of of production of liver cells. In other words, it leads to the outgrowth or uncontrollable swelling of cells which do not retain the normal function of the tissue in which they arise. This continuous outgrowth eventually will prevent the liver from performing its normal role.

Effects of Cancer of the Liver
  1. It leads to general weakness of the body.
  2. The body is exhausted.
  3. It can lead to death.
Remedy of Cancer of the Liver
  1. Surgery can be done if detected early in life.
  2. The cancer can be destroyed by the use of radiation (radiology) or chemotherapy.
  3. Liver transplant can be carried out.